
Lecture: ???

Dr. Elijah Meyer

NC State University
ST 511 - Fall 2024



– Are you keeping up with Slack?

– Are you keeping up with the prepare material?

– HW 4 (released today; due Sunday Nov 10)

> Recreating r-code output 
> chi-square

– Quiz 9 (released Wednesday; due Sunday Nov 10)


The take-home exam is graded; thank you for your patience

 > median: 84.4%; mean: 81.6%; max: 98.4%

A lot of work went into these. I’m very impressed with how far the class has come with both the methodology + coding

Grades will be published sometime this afternoon. Key will also be up on our website (don’t share it…)

Updating Grades

If you submit a regrade request, and you see your grade changed on Gradescope… you will NOT see your grade changed on Moodle until we re-sync grades. I do this about three times a semester (once after exam-1 is done, and again closer to the final, and once at the very end of the semester)


We’ve been using the wrong WorkBench link…

Should be using:

A couple of you are running into a “rate limit” which is preventing you from using the WorkBench. This is because the link we are using isn’t running through the NCSU servers like we should be.


– I would start using

– Your previous work won’t be there, but you can move it over

– Will prevent you from getting locked out of WorkBench due to rate limit

– This link can also be found on our website/moodle/ etc.


As posted on Slack

Office hours are moving from Monday to Thursday: 10:30 - 11:30am

> This is so you can take advantage of OH for HW-4 and Quiz-9 
> This move will be for the rest of the semester 
> This has been updated on our website

Question? Comments?

Learning objectives

– Understand how to summarize two quantitative variables

– What is simple linear regression (SLR)?

– How a line of best fit is made

– How to talk about the line of best fit


Suppose now I wanted to investigate the relationship between bill length and flipper length.

– Can I analyze these data using difference in means?

– Difference in proportions?

What plot could we use to look at these data?

Plot the data

How can we summarize these data?

Summary statistics

– correlation (r)

– slope + intercept (fit a line)


– Is bounded between [-1, 1]

– Measures the strength + direction of a linear relationship

What do I mean by linear relationship?

What do I mean by strength?

What do I mean by direction?

Guessing Game


Let’s find the correlation coefficient between our two variables

syntax: cor(x, y)

penguins |> 
  summarise(corr = cor(bill_length_mm, flipper_length_mm, use = "complete.obs"))
# A tibble: 1 × 1
1 0.656

Summary statistics

– correlation (r) ✔️

– slope + intercept (fit a line)

Fit a line

How do we suppose that this line was fit?


\(e_i = y - \hat{y}\)

where y is an observed value, and \(\hat{y}\) is the predicted value based on the line!

Minimize the residual sums of squares: \(\sum (y_i - \hat{y_i})^2\)


What can we do with this line?

Why do you suppose we fit a line?

– Prediction

– Interpretation

– Hypothesis testing to test for a relationship (May or may not cover in class; I’ll post readings)

The equation

Have you heard of \(y = mx + b\) ?

The equation

Let me introduce you to:

Population level: \(y = \beta_o + \beta_1*x + \epsilon\)

Sample: \(\hat{y} = \hat{\beta_o} + \hat{\beta_1}*x\)

The equation

\(\hat{y}\) (yhat) = predicted value of y

\(\hat{\beta_o}\) (b) = estimated intercept

\(\hat{\beta_1}\) (b1) = estimated slope

\(x\) = explanatory variable


– What is an intercept?

– What is a slope coefficient?


model1 <- lm(flipper_length_mm ~ bill_length_mm, data = penguins)


lm(formula = flipper_length_mm ~ bill_length_mm, data = penguins)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-43.708  -7.896   0.664   8.650  21.179 

               Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)    126.6844     4.6651   27.16   <2e-16 ***
bill_length_mm   1.6901     0.1054   16.03   <2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 10.63 on 340 degrees of freedom
  (2 observations deleted due to missingness)
Multiple R-squared:  0.4306,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.4289 
F-statistic: 257.1 on 1 and 340 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

Writing out our model

\(\hat{y} = \hat{\beta_o} + \hat{\beta_1}*x\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*\text{bill length}\)

How do we interpret the intercept? How do we interpret the slope coefficient?

Slope coefficient

bill length of 1

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*\text{bill length}\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*1\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 128.37\)

Slope coefficient

bill length of 2

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*2\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 3.38\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 130.06\)

130.06 - 128.37 = 1.69 (The amount we move up as bill length increased by 1 mm)


For a 1 mm increase in bill length we estimate a 1.69 mm increase in mean flipper length

For a 1 mm increase in bill length, we estimate on average, a 1.69 mm increase in flipper length.

Why mean flipper length?

We are estimating the mean flipper length, because our model is calculating the expected value of flipper length at a given bill length.

Why mean flipper length?

The phrase expected value is a synonym for mean value in the long run (meaning for many repeats or a large sample size).


\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*\text{bill length}\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*0\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 0\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68\)

We \(\widehat{estimate}\) a mean flipper length of 126.68 mm for a penguin that has a bill length of 0 mm.


How would we use this line for prediction? What would we predict a penguin’s flipper length to be if a penguin had a bill length of 50mm?


\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*\text{bill length}\)

\(\widehat{\text{flipper length}} = 126.68 + 1.69*50\)

== 211.18mm

We would predict a penguin with a bill length of 50 mm to have an average flipper length of 211.18 mm.